Benton City Food Bank
Welcome to Your Local Tri-Cities Food Bank in Benton City
- 712 N.10th Street, Benton City WA 99320
- 509-588-5454
Open Wednesday - 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Thursdays - 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Thursday Nights - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Welcome to the Benton City Food Bank. We serve the residents of Benton City and West Richland. Come help us feed our neighbors by volunteering here.
We utilize a drive-through operation with an Annex for additional food options. Please note the route around our facility after check-in.
Who We Serve
All clients need to be checked in at the intake window (or be in line) no later than ten minutes prior to the end of the shift to guarantee service.
We require:
- Picture ID and proof of current address every time you come for food.
- Proof of current address is anything that has your name, current address, and date that is not over 90 days old (e.g., a bill. Rent receipt, prescription bottle, DSHS letter.)
We do not ask for proof of need.
You are welcome to receive food as often as once every two weeks.
Clients will be given a cart of food based on what we have available, family size, and family makeup. Additional options are available in the Annex where clients may choose items.
What We Provide
Families receive a variety of groceries that may include, meat, eggs, margarine or butter, canned goods, rice, beans, flour, pasta products, seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, and miscellaneous donated foods and supplies. In addition, bread, rolls, and other bakery products are available as donations allow.
We participate in the WSDA programs The Emergency Food Assistance Food Program (TEFAP) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) to provide clients with additional nutritious food.
Bringing Donations to Benton City Food Bank
If bringing donations to the Benton City Food Bank, drive to the North end of the facility and enter either the rear door or the large roll-up door if it is open. Donations are accepted when we are open, plus Tuesdays 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM.
We are happy to accept donated funds AND in-kind donations of food. We accept the following in-kind donations of food:
- Unexpired food in original sealed cans, jars, boxes, and bags. The item labels must be intact and legible.
- Eggs from commercial operations (eggs from non-commercial operations are not eligible to go to clients, but volunteers may elect to take them)
- Any fresh fruit/produce from your garden or orchard.
We do not accept the following items:
- Meat or frozen items.
- Items that have been cooked or prepared at a home or restaurant.
- Clothing or household items (there are many worthy church and business options for these)
Questions? Need Assistance?
When the need arises call us at (509) 582-0411 or stop by one of our locations when we are open.
Benton City Food Bank
712 10th St.
Benton City, WA 99320 -
Wed: 10:30 - 12:30 PM
Thurs: 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Thurs: 6:00 - 8:00 PM - 509-588-5454